deliver mail
Depending on the rule defined in NetLocker, the courier knows where the mail must be delivered.

Personal delivery
Personal delivery with acknowledgment of receipt from the recipient.
Delivery to a locker facility
Filing of the postal items in a locker system. Ready to be picked up by the recipient at any time.

Delivery to a physical location (room, table,…)
The mail items are deposited at a defined location that is accessible to the recipient.

Forwarding to another location
The piece of mail is forwarded to another location via an in-house shuttle service and can be delivered there according to the stored rule.

If the recipient z. B. not on site for a longer period of time, the mail item is stored for this period and delivered at a later date.

Digital processing and delivery
Letters are opened, digitized (scanned) and forwarded to the recipient by e-mail.
Do you have any questions?
I would be happy to advise you.

Contact Person
Mate Jovic
Managing Director
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